First Snowfall


First Snowfall In Autumn

Today October 26, 2017 we had our first snowfall here in Southern Finland. I know it has been snowing weeks ago in the north but this is hard to believe for me because it’s still October and we are in the middle of autumn. I mean, can we just enjoy the autumn a little bit longer? This morning as my daughter and I walked to school, the snow started falling and at first, it was like tiny raindrops. Then the real snow comes. I really thought that the weather forecast was wrong. And I didn’t believe that the snow will come really soon.

It was snowing whole day and when I was off from work, I can see everything is white. There was too much snow on the street and pity me I couldn’t ride a bike when there’s a lot of snow. It was slippery and dangerous and it was still snowing hard on my way home. Meanwhile, my daughter was so happy when I picked her from school. “Mommy, It’s snowing. I love snow!”…, of course, kids love snow. They loves diving in the snow actually. :). I’m a little bit worried about the everyday life when there’s a lot of snow. Making my life a little bit harder. I don’t complain, I just thought that this snow comes really early. It’s still October. I hope that we’ll be back to autumn though and that the snow can come again later in December. Would be perfect to have a white Christmas and new year!

Anyhow, everything is white here now. All the trees are covered in snow and it’s really pretty outside. It’s not very cold yet, so it is nice to stay outside and enjoy the snowfall. I’ve taken few iPhone photos on my way home today that I’ll be sharing on this post. Again, hope this is just temporary. Too early for winter. I’m not yet ready! :)















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